The difference and function of yoga and Pilates?
woman meditating in lotus pose at yoga studio

get off work out at home after work, yoga or Pilates is best for you. Less than 5% of adults worldwide participate in 30 minutes of physical exercise every day; only one-third of adults receive the recommended amount of physical exercise every week. What are the benefits of yoga and Pilates?

Some facts about yoga and Pilates
Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. Yoga is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu tradition. Yoga schools of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism have various practices and goals. The term “yoga” in the Western world usually refers to the modern form of Hatha Yoga, which includes the physical practice of postures called asanas. In the 1980s, yoga as a physical exercise method became popular throughout the Western world. However, in traditional Indian yoga, yoga has not only a physical benefit, but also more than physical exercise. It has a meditation and spiritual core.
Young couple doing yoga on beach
• Statistics show that there are about 400 million yoga practitioners in the world.
• Between 2014 and 2018, the number of people doing yoga worldwide increased by 45%.
• About one-third of people in Western countries have tried yoga at least once.
• In the past four years, the number of people in their 50s who practice yoga has tripled.
• Flexibility and stress relief are the most common reasons for starting yoga.

Pilates is a fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century and named after it. Pilates called his method “control method”. As of 2005, 11 million people in the United States regularly practice the subject, and there are 14,000 lecturers.
Recently, various fitness fields have begun to actively develop to help maintain physical and mental health. Over the centuries, we have many different technologies all over the world, which have been divided for certain activities or coexisted together. In the modern world, we are busy with life. This may be our work or our family; in many cases, while forgetting ourselves, we devote time and energy to everyone or everything. If you don’t let yourself be happy, you cannot give others happiness. You must learn to cherish and appreciate your body and soul. Although yoga and Pilates today are a set of physical exercises without any philosophical basis, both have their advantages. For those who want to lose weight, relieve stress and learn to concentrate, what should they choose?

The essence of practice
The two practices of yoga and Pilates have a common goal: to strengthen and improve the human body. During the training process, the body will not bear huge strength load, and there is no difficult exercise of strenuous exercise. Therefore, almost everyone will be able to master this technique and benefit from yoga and Pilates. However, in order to choose exercises suitable for specific beginners, you need to understand their nature and determine the similarities and differences in order to get more benefits of yoga and Pilates.
People practicing yoga together in class
Yoga is an ancient custom. It can not only develop the body, but also improve the spirit of the body. Yogis constantly learn their abilities, learn to synchronize their breathing with movements, adjust their thinking correctly, and break through their physical and mental boundaries. The main goal is to gain the ability to control thoughts, thoughts and feelings, so as to achieve complete harmony with oneself and the world.

As a fitness direction, Pilates did not form until the last century. It was created to enhance the body functions of the human body. The main purpose of Pilates fitness exercise is to improve the body through regular exercise, stretching exercises, endurance training, proper breathing and maximum concentration.
group of people doing yoga forward bend at studio
Similarities and differences
Yoga is a system of Eastern wisdom, which improves the body through the understanding of the soul. The technology is based on ancient philosophical knowledge and is integral and indivisible.
Pilates is a youthful direction. It is based on different, already well-known trends: fitness, gymnastics and yoga. The latter “helps” it develop the flexibility of the joints, exercise its spirit, and obtain a healthy body. Pilates, like yoga, “works” through joints, but its “opening” is small and natural.
Breathing in the yoga system is only one of the stages leading to self-knowledge and perfection. Without the ability to regulate breathing, Pilates is impossible. Compared with yoga, the movement is smoother and more static.
There are some differences between these two directions:
For yoga
• The basis of training is static yoga poses and long poses are adopted in them
• Perform nasal breathing
• When training, you only need to use a dedicated yoga mat
• Practitioners become slender and their body will relax
• Lots of styles and directions
• During training, all muscle groups are developing

For Pilates
• The basis of training is dynamic repetitive movement in a static posture
• Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth
• When training, you need special equipment including rings, rollers, balls, etc.
• Muscles strengthen and grow, weight loss will occur
• All sports are performed in the same way
• The training process focuses on core muscles.
couple on yoga ball stretching
The impact of technology on the body
If you are living under stress, psychological pressure and emotional dissatisfaction, you should try yoga. All asanas (so-called special postures) are based on meditation. Meditation helps to know yourself, understand the secrets of the universe, relax your body and mind, and calm yourself down. Finding spiritual harmony is the main task of the Eastern method.
However, this does not mean that exercise will not help strengthen the body. They provide excellent flexibility for the joints and spine, increase endurance, help lose excess weight, and eliminate fat. It’s true that you won’t see the results of an excellent body shape right away: it takes months of regular training, and only after that can you feel the real benefits of yoga.

Yoga in a fitness center is not an easy task. This is a way of life that provides a philosophical attitude for existence, proper nutrition and the development of perseverance.
Pilates is a system created to repair injuries quickly and effectively. Its mission is to restore body functions as safely as possible and eliminate injuries.
Young woman doing yoga in the beach
Mind participation training: each movement must be clearly controlled and visualized. The unity of intelligence and physiology aims to develop a strong, flexible body. The center of the body for each exercise is the abdomen.
Beautiful buttocks, elastic buttocks, flat abdomen, perfect posture-these are the main tasks to be solved during training.
Both yoga and Pilates can make people stronger and healthier. However, due to differences in exercise methods and breathing methods, each method affects the body in its own way.

Pilates yoga exercise physical activity

The benefits of yoga:
•Enhance flexibility, plasticity and endurance;
•Improve the condition of internal organs and all systems;
•Learn to relax and meditate;
• Gain the ability to concentrate;
• Calm your mind, seek harmony, get rid of pressure and negative thoughts;
• Rejuvenate the whole body;
• Increase the overall relief and shape.

Pilates benefits:
• The body can be healed through the complex (especially the spine);
• Increase strength and make the muscle frame more plump;
• Normalize hormones;
•Improve skin tone, leading to slimming;
• Improve mood.

More benefits of yoga: It is suitable for those who want to get rid of stress, learn to stretch and make their body more prominent. Those who want quick results and weight loss should like Pilates. It helps to extract the most common problem areas of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

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